利用生物技术解除人类营养和农业生产中的危机 ,仍然存在这样那样的问题。当今世界 ,绝大多数农业商用生物技术无不以压倒一切的优势 ,效力于发达国家 ,而对于贫穷国家的需求则视若无睹。有鉴于此 ,世界各国的生物技术学家 ,于 1999年 5月 19~ 2 1日 ,在北京召开了“植物生物?
The same is true of the use of biotechnology to lift the crisis in human nutrition and agricultural production. In today’s world, the overwhelming majority of agricultural commercial biotechnology has the overwhelming advantage of being effective in developed countries, while the demand for poor countries turns a blind eye. In view of this, biotech scientists from all over the world held the “Plant Biology?” In Beijing from May 19 to January 21, 1999.