小芯片 大用处——巧做妙用音乐集成电路10例

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青少年朋友们!作为21世纪的接班人,祖国未来的栋梁,无论你们将来长大后从事什么职业,崇尚电子不仅仅是一种兴趣和爱好,更是一个人能力与素质的表征,同时也是关系中华民族兴衰的大事。作为现代人,尤其是当代青少年,如果不了解电子知识,不掌握点电子技术(或技能),那将是人生的一种缺憾甚至是悲哀。让我们爱电子、学电子、用电子吧。从小做起,从现在做起!音乐集成电路是近十年来发展起来的新颖集成电路,它是集成电路大家族中的后起之秀,有着广阔的发展与应用前景。 音乐集成电路的芯片面积仅半颗米粒大小,属大规模CMOS电路,它由音乐集成电路、声光集成电路、模拟声响集成电路三部分组成,总称音乐集成电路。音乐集成电路具有以下特点:1.品种多,规格齐全。它有三大系列、数百个品种规格可供选择。2.电路简单,制作容易,用途广泛,售价便宜,特别适合于青少年课外业余电子制作活动。3.工作电压直流1.2~3V,工作电流典型值600μA,静态电流仅0.5μA,可采用钮扣电池供电,使用寿命长达1~2年。4.可供厂商开发生产电子玩具、电子礼品、工艺饰物和实用电子产品等。本样目将分三期对以上三部分分别举例介绍。 Young friends! As a successor to the 21st century, the future pillar of the motherland, no matter what kind of job you will grow up in the future, advocating electronics is not only a hobby and a hobby, but also a sign of the abilities and qualities of a man. It is also a matter of the rise and fall of the Chinese nation event. As a modern person, especially a contemporary adolescent, if you do not know the electronic knowledge and do not have the point of electronic technology (or skills), it will be a regret or even a sad thing in your life. Let’s love electronics, electronics, electronics. Start small, start now! The music integrated circuit is a novel integrated circuit developed in the past ten years. It is a rising star in the large family of integrated circuits and has a broad prospect of development and application. Music IC chip area only half a grain size, is a large-scale CMOS circuits, which consists of music integrated circuits, acousto-optic integrated circuits, analog audio integrated circuit composed of three parts, collectively music IC. Music integrated circuit has the following characteristics: 1. Variety, complete specifications. It has three major series, hundreds of varieties of specifications to choose from. 2. The circuit is simple, easy to make, with a wide range of uses, the price is cheap, especially suitable for teens extracurricular electronic production activities. 3. Operating voltage DC 1.2 ~ 3V, the typical operating current 600μA, quiescent current of only 0.5μA, can be used button battery-powered, the service life of up to 1 to 2 years. 4. For manufacturers to develop and produce electronic toys, electronic gifts, jewelry and practical electronic technology products. This sample will be divided into three periods of the above three examples were introduced.
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