基于CAPE-OPEN标准开发了热力学物性计算模块。首先按照接口标准实现物流对象接口、物性包接口、相平衡计算接口、物性计算接口;其次实现热力学方程的求解计算,将各部分对接,形成一个完整的热力学物性求解模块;最后将热力学方程中的PR物性计算包导入Aspen plus并与其相应物性包的计算结果进行对比,结果表明该模块计算准确,相对误差在0.1%以内。
Based on the CAPE-OPEN standard, a thermodynamic physics calculation module has been developed. First of all, the object of logistics interface, the interface of physical property package, the phase equilibrium calculation interface and the physical property calculation interface are realized according to the interface standard. Secondly, the calculation of the thermodynamic equation is realized and the parts are connected to form a complete thermodynamic physics solution module. Finally, PR physics calculation package was imported into Aspen plus and compared with the calculation results of the corresponding physics package. The results show that the calculation accuracy of the module is within 0.1%.