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4月30日,中央政治局会议针对房地产形势提出,要完善市场环境,盘活存量资产,建立房地产健康发展的长效机制。这需要房地产供求基本平衡、结构基本对接、价格总体稳定,住用功能和投资功能同时实现。通过调控政策和制度建设实现上述目标,需要及时准确的房地产总量、结构和价格统计信息。总量分为供给总量和需求总量,供给又分为存量和增量(包括面积和套数),需求又分为投资投机性需求和基本住用需求; April 30, the Central Political Bureau meeting for the real estate situation put forward to improve the market environment, activate the stock of assets, the establishment of long-term mechanism for the healthy development of real estate. This requires a basic balance between real estate supply and demand, the basic structure of docking, the overall price stability, residential functions and investment functions at the same time. Through the regulation and control policies and systems to achieve these goals, the need for timely and accurate real estate total, structure and price statistics. The total amount is divided into the total supply and demand, supply is divided into stocks and increases (including the area and the number of sets), demand is divided into investment speculative demand and basic domestic demand;
AS the curtains closed on the an- nual two sessions on March 20, China is setting sail in the “new era” with a detailed chart, steered by a remarkable helmsman and a competent team.  “It will be anoth
摘 要:内蒙古自治区地处我国边疆少数民族地区,服务业发展处于国内落后水平。生产性服务业作为服务业的重要组成部分,在地区经济发展中扮演着重要的角色。使用内蒙古宏观产业数据,针对内蒙古制造业与生产性服务业的关系进行研究。结合研究结论,提出内蒙古生产性服务创新驱动发展的对策建议。  关键词:制造业;生产性服务;创新  1.研究文献评述  基于本研究需要,对国内外学者关于生产性服务业研究的相关文献进行阅读