,Organ function support in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: Tongji experience

来源 :医学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubo1204
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious disease and a serious mreat to human health.COVID-19 can cause multiple organ dysfunction,such as respiratory and circulatory failure,liver and kidney injury,disseminated intravascular coagulation,and thromboembolism,and even death.The World Health Organization reports that the mortality rate of severe-type COVID-19 is over 50%.Currently,the number of severe cases worldwide has increased rapidly,but the experience in the treatment of infected patients is still limited.Given the lack of specific antiviral drugs,multi-organ function support treatment is important for patients with COVID-19.To improve the cure rate and reduce the mortality of patients with severe-and critical-type COVID-19,this paper summarizes the experience of organ function support in patients with severe-and criticaltype COVID-19 in Optical Valley Branch of Tongji Hospital,Wuhan,China.This paper systematically summarizes the procedures of functional support therapies for multiple organs and systems,including respiratory,circulatory,renal,hepatic,and hematological systems,among patients with severe-and critical-type COVID-19.This paper provides a clinical reference and a new strategy for the optimal treatment of COVID-19 worldwide.
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