CAEXPO Expediting China’s Building Materials Industry’s Efforts to Enter ASEAN

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  Along with the increasingly booming construction of airports, expressways and high-speed railways in ASEAN, there is a rising demand for building materials in this region. China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO), a crucial bridge of bilateral cooperation, provides ASEAN merchants with a channel to tap the potential business opportunities. As a result, in the upcoming 17th CAEXPO, the building materials exhibition area will still appear as a highlight to further encourage the building materials industry to exploit the overseas market.
  Business opportunities increasingly surge as ASEAN steps up infrastructure construction
  China’s large production capacity of building materials and ASEAN’s large demand for building materials are the two foundations for bilateral cooperation in the field of building materials. Chairman of China Building Materials Group Song Zhiping said, “At present, China’s infrastructure construction is out of the peak period, while the demand for infrastructure in countries along the Belt and Road features a rapid rising. China has taken a leading role in building materials production and infrastructure, while relevant industries in developed countries have been declining for about two decades, and their enterprises are far less competitive than those of China.”
  In the whole year of 2019, the added value of China’s building materials industry increased by 8.5% over the same period last year. Among them, the cement and plate glass outputs were 2.33 billion tons and 930 million weight cases, up 6.1% and 6.6% respectively on a year-on-year basis. And the output of commodity concrete, porcelain bricks, ceramic bricks, sanitary ceramics and other materials maintained a year-on-year growth.
  Meanwhile, infrastructure development in ASEAN countries is in full swing. As such, sustainable infrastructure is a worthy priority in the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and hundreds of billions of dollars shall be invested in this field per year. In 2017, the Philippine government launched a large-scale infrastructure program named “Build, Build, Build” that was projected to invest 8.4 trillion pesos (about RMB 1.16 trillion yuan) in infrastructure construction in six years. This program was described by China’s Xinhua News Agency as “the boldest and most ambitious infrastructure program in the Philippine history”. Projects under construction or in preparation include such fields as roads, bridges, airports, railways, ports, flood control facilities and others. Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos and other countries have also put forward different plans on infrastructure construction, with a view to improving people’s livelihood, attracting investment and boosting tourism.   Apart from market-driven factors, the government also acts as a solid backing for bilateral cooperation. China-ASEAN Joint Statement on Production Capacity Cooperation and China-ASEAN Joint Statement on Further Deepening Cooperation on Infrastructure Connectivity were released in the 19th and 20th China-ASEAN Leader’s Meeting held in 2016 and 2017, so as to help China’s building materials industry tap the huge potential of ASEAN markets.
  CAEXPO’s efforts to exhibit building materials and boost cooperation
  In view of the increasingly close cooperation relations between China and ASEAN, building materials have been one of the important topics of commodity trade at the CAEXPO. Those first-class building materials enterprises from Fujian, Shanghai, Hebei, Henan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Hubei and other places were proactively participate in this grand event. Buyers from Spain, Russia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, India, Pakistan and other countries were attracted to come here to discuss cooperation.
  Among them, there was a high concentration ratio of the building materials industry in the 15th CAEXPO. The main industrial chain of “raw materials-semi-finished products-finished products-terminal products” was deeply dug, and the upstream and downstream enterprises engaged in raw materials, profiles, prefabricated building materials, aluminum doors and windows were organized to participate in the exhibition. China’s well-known building materials enterprises, such as Alnan Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aidingqi Wall Co., Ltd., Singea Smart Lock and Shenzhou Thermal Insulation Building Materials, exhibited those informationalized, intelligentized, green and energy-efficient products, and promoted economic and trade cooperation through scientific and technological innovation, showing audience and the world the power of China’s creation.
  Besides, to unleash the market potential, CAEXPO also offered exhibitors and purchasers with targeted and professional services by holding a series of activities, such as the 2nd China-ASEAN International Design Leaders Summit Forum, the 2nd China-ASEAN Building Materials Household Product Quality Traceability Summit Forum, the 1st Thailand Building Materials Procurement Seminar, and Vietnam Procurement Matchmaking Conference.
  It was reported that building materials registered remarkable economic and trade achievements in the 15th CAEXPO. Its turnover accounted for 38.2% of the total, ranking first among the domestic trade commodities and surpassing the machinery products for the first time. Chairman of Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Group Xie Zhiqiang said Pingguo Aluminum Group has signed foreign trade and intention contracts with customers from Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and other countries, and inked purchase agency cooperation agreements with several dealers. “We hope to continuously expand cooperation with ASEAN countries via the CAEXPO and establish branches in 10 ASEAN countries to promote our products by virtue of the Belt and Road,” said Xie.   A total of 456 standard booths were deployed in the building materials exhibition area in the 16th CAEXPO, and 218 enterprises including many well-known enterprises of building materials, industrial bases and industrial alliances participated in the exhibition. The repeated participation rate reached 50%, and the proportion of special booth was 53%. The architectural exhibition area focused on the vertical relationship of industrial chains, which had a higher concentration rate in key areas. The industrial chain of aluminum building materials accounted for 45% of the total exhibition scale for the first time, among which the aluminum profiles and accessories of raw materials accounted for 35%, and the prefabricated houses and all-aluminum customized homes of finished products accounted for more than 10%.
  The upstream and downstream products of stone calcium carbonate were displayed by Guangxi Hezhou Wanggao Industrial Zone, a provincial key industrial zone and a 100-billion-yuan calcium carbonate industrial demonstration base; and different types of products were showcased by Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Group.
  In the building materials procurement seminar, Lao Pollard Windows Inc. successfully purchased the aluminum alloy doors and windows from a Jiangxi’s aluminum company, and yielded the intended transaction value of US$ 200,000; Guangdong Baolilai Coating Technology Co., Ltd. signed cooperation projects with customers from Thailand, Vietnam and other countries, with a total transaction amount of RMB 20 million yuan. There was a report that the total transaction amount in the building materials exhibition area of the 16th CAEXPO was about RMB 46 million yuan, and the intended transaction amount was RMB 63 million yuan.
  Building materials industry will continuously shine
  The upcoming 17th CAEXPO will still be committed to setting up a professional cooperation platform related to building materials for China, ASEAN and other countries along the Belt and Road.
  The building materials exhibition area, a bridge between participants and ideal merchandises, will meet the requirements of buyers from ASEAN countries, and take priority to exhibit China’s building materials products with competitive edges, such as doors, windows, curtain walls, interior decoration materials, assembly decoration building and new environmental protection building materials.
  In addition, conferences and forums will be held during the meeting to further extend the value chain and provide more value-added services under the form of exhibition integration. The 2020 China-ASEAN Bidding Meeting for Home Furnishing Industry will release the bidding information on project manager and demander from China and ASEAN countries; The 4th China-ASEAN International Design Leaders Summit Forum will bring together leaders, elites and scholars in the circle of design industry from 10 ASEAN and China, to solicit suggestions for the cooperation and development of the construction and interior industry between China and ASEAN and other countries along the Belt and Road. Besides, buyers from ASEAN and outside the region will also be invited to the purchasing meeting, and series of exhibitions and activities will be held synchronously to maximize the satisfaction of business needs and further uplift the economic and trade effectiveness.
  President of China Building Materials Circulation Association Qin Zhanxue indicated that the CAEXPO represented a vital platform to promote building materials cooperation toward ASEAN. With relentless efforts of the CAEXPO, China-ASEAN cooperation in production capacity and construction industry will be deepened, and it will become a reality to further press ahead with the export of building materials to ASEAN.
华人迁居东南亚的历史悠久,不光移民数量多,而且族群也不少,包括闽南、潮州、客家、海南等。伴随着下南洋的热潮,闽、粤、琼一带的饮食文化也被带入异国他乡,在当地被继承创新、发扬光大,形成了颇具特色、异彩纷呈的东南亚美食。  在越南街头,最常见的平民食物是“佛儿”——其实就是“粉”的越南语发音。越南米粉被普遍认为是由广东移民带到越南的。“佛儿”的原料是大米,将米洗净、碾磨成粉之后,用水和成糊,上笼蒸熟后
四年步履坚实,四年砥砺奋进,上承累累硕果,下启壮阔前程。  从2017年在第14届东博会携手,到2018年成为东博会独家钻石战略合作伙伴,2019、2020年连续两年成为首席战略合作伙伴,四年携手,太平洋建设与广西、与东博会结下了深厚情缘。  2020年,站在新的历史坐标,代表太平洋建设的海洋蓝再次闪耀东博会。  2020年11月27~30日,第17届中国—东盟博览会和中国—东盟商务与投资峰会在广
自2017年签订4500亿元投资合作协议以来,太平洋建设与广西壮族自治区政府彼此高度互信互融,合作务实高效,成果丰硕。四年的时光,见证着太平洋建设全面走深、走实广西市场。站在全新的历史起点,双方正携手翻开高质量发展新篇章。  高级别互动畅通合作渠道  如果将第14届中国—东盟博览会期间的4500亿元签约视为坐标原点,太平洋建设随后同广西壮族自治区政府展开的高级别、高频次交流,则在八桂大地绘出了一道
燕窝自古以来就被誉为滋补养颜的佳品,备受人们的喜爱。不过,由于气候和地理位置的原因,中国不盛产燕窝,主要依赖进口。其中,马来西亚便是主要进口来源国之一。  2020年5月9日,首批重约200公斤的马来西亚中检溯源(CCIC Traceability)净燕出口到中国。这是继毛燕(未经消毒加工的燕窝原料)、榴莲之后,又一种马来西亚特产通过中国检验认证集团(以下简称中检集团)马来西亚公司的中检溯源检验,
Supply & Demand Information  China Exhibition  Tel: +86-771-5807700 Email: [email protected]  China Exhibition  The 28th China International Medical Devices Exhibition  VENUE: Shanghai National Exhi
One of Thailand’s main policies is to encourage and invest in research that would strengthen the electric vehicle (EV) industry. One of the ongoing tangible projects is the collaboration between the E
中国—东盟自贸区自2010年全面建成以来,双方合作历经“黄金十年”,取得了一系列标志性成果。2020年尽管面临新冠肺炎疫情带来的挑战,中国和东盟经贸合作却逆势上扬,进入全新发展阶段:在“一带一路”倡议带动下,2020年前三季度中国—东盟贸易总额达4818.1亿美元,东盟正式取代欧盟成为中国第一大贸易伙伴。  以“一带一路”为契机,太平洋建设积极发挥自身优势,深度融入中国—东盟互联互通合作。近年来,
紧随时代发展,太平洋建设不断加快顶层设计和结构优化,正由基础设施建设1.0走向城市化综合运营2.0。企业聚焦“城市规划、土地整理、公建、基建、产业导入、城市运营”六大维度,以“片区开发、特色小镇、城市更新”为核心业务,重点发力未来城市建设,提升城市综合效应。  未来城市是太平洋建设积极响应中国国家主席习近平“坚持以创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念为引领,促进中国特色新型城镇化持续健康发展”的
绿城南宁,宾客云集,第17届中国—东盟博览会、中国—东盟商务与投资峰会(以下简称“两会”)如约而至,新老朋友齐聚一堂。  2020年是中国—东盟自由贸易区全面建成10周年、中国—东盟数字经济合作年,本次盛会以“共建‘一带一路’,共兴数字经济”为主题,充分展示中国—东盟携手抗击新冠肺炎疫情的成果,全方位深化中国—东盟友好关系和经贸等各领域交流合作,实现了安全有序的目标,办出了特色、办出了水平、办出了
2020年是中国—东盟关系持续高位发展的一年。先是东亚合作领导人系列会议的举行,到《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)成功签署,再到各国领导人高规格视频参加第17届中国—东盟博览会,中国与东盟“朋友圈”的互动可谓非常活跃。  在第17届东博会举办前夕,中国共产党同东南亚国家政党首次对话会在广西南宁举行。会上,中国与东南亚国家政党就如何共抗疫情、共建繁荣、共赢未来等问题,提出了诸多意见和建议。 