“Korean Wave” Hit in the CAEXPO

来源 :中国·东盟博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanji621
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  The world economy has entered into a deep adjustment phase of the post-financial crisis era, and regional economic integration has become the power source to maintain the long-term and robust growth in Asia-Pacific region. In 2013, the negotiation on Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was launched by China, ASEAN, Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and India. In order to further enhance the cooperation between China and countries outside the ASEAN region, the CAEXPO will invite a RCEP member state other than the ASEAN countries to be the special guest country each year from 2014 onward. And Korea is selected as the special guest country of the 12th CAEXPO.
  The CAEXPO serves as a platform for China and ASEAN and opens up to the rest of the world. Facing China across the Yellow Sea in its west, Korea, one of the members of the RCEP, is an important economy in Asia.
  Korea will be the special guest country of the 12th CAEXPO of 2015. The CAEXPO will be extended to serve “10+6”. As more countries outside China-ASEAN region participate in the CAEXPO, it is believed that China, ASEAN and RCEP’s member states will work closer and build a better future.
  Old Friends, New Interaction
  Korea pays high attention to the CAEXPO. It has actively participated in the CAEXPO in recent years. There have been a total number of 335 Korean business guests and 46 enterprises with 66 booths applied in all previous 11 CAEXPOs.The launching ceremony of folk trade exchange center between China and Korea (preparation) cum the display & promotion of products was held during the 11th CAEXPO. Korean pop-star group, singer and actress who are favored by Chinese fans performed and gave interview in the press conference of “the launching ceremony of folk trade exchange center between China and Korea (preparation)”, achieving concrete results.
  During the CAEXPO both in 2012 and 2013, “Korea-China Biz Plaza” conducted promotion activities to enhance bilateral economic and trade exchanges. Chungcheongbuk-do of Korea hosted the biz plaza and focused on introducing their culture, tourism, industries, specialty goods, development and investment situation, invited enterprises who attended the CAEXPO to seize the opportunity and invest in Chungcheongbuk-do.
  Located in the middle of Korea, Chungcheong-do has elegant natural scenery. It develops well and abounds with ginseng, grape, rice, tobacco, a variety of herbs and horticultural crops. Early in 2007, it concluded friendly relations with Guangxi. Korea sent delegations to the CAEXPO every year since 2008 to look for business opportunities that help enterprises develop and improve people's living of two sides. Products from Chungcheong-do such as food, liquor, pharmaceutical, household goods were promoted during the CAEXPO, which offers China, the ten ASEAN countries as well as members of the RCEP a new platform to know about Korean enterprises and products. This shows that the investment and promotion activities in CAEXPO are not only for China and ASEAN countries, but for Asia and the world.   Cooperation Goes in Depth
  Various Korean products and TV dramas are well received by Chinese and ASEAN people, growing the influence of “Korean Wave”. Korean TV dramas “You Who Came from the Stars” and “Pinocchio” lured the eyes of fans. Korean variety shows like “Dad, Where Are We Going”, “Running Man” and “We Got Married” have also attracted a batch of fans. Many Korean TV dramas like “Full House” have also been reproduced in China and ASEAN countries. Some Chinese dramas, such as “Fated to Love You” gained praise and were made into Korean version as well. With huge market potential, costumes from Doota of Korea are popular in China and ASEAN countries. The exchanges and cooperation between China and ASEAN, China and Korea as well as ASEAN and Korea have been increasing.
  The CAEXPO has been held successfully for 11 years, which sets up an important exchange and cooperation platform for global enterprises from China, ASEAN and Korea etc. It is reported that Korea, as the special guest country of the 12th CAEXPO, will send its delegation, hold a series of Korea-themed activities, attend high-level business negotiations, specialized symposiums and economic and trade promotion activities and display its building materials, new technologies, cosmetics, glass products and household appliances and so on during the expo, so as to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China-ASEAN commercial circle. The involvement of Korea will make the 12th CAEXPO more excellent!
在广西勇康商贸有限公司的红木家具展厅里,一件件红木家具行云流水丝丝入扣的纹路,刻画出一幅幅动若游龙,静如空谷的红木画卷。在这里,红木的淡香与中国的传统文化悄然结合,形成了一场红木家具盛宴,让人放松下来的心情与淡淡的红木香气悄然聚合。  也正是在这样一个古色古香的场景,在品味和感受一件件美轮美奂的中国古典红木家具的同时,广西勇康商贸有限公司董事长马艳与我们分享了她十多年来在凭祥的红木故事。  刚来到
海上丝绸之路沿途风光  海上丝绸之路航线,仿前辈下南洋所乘小型邮轮航线,从中国北部湾出发,沿古老的海上丝绸之路探秘东南亚各国,给游客带来一次清新而丰富的海洋文化之旅。  主题包含了传统的西方模式的邮轮度假理念,更融合了通过邮轮,了解东西方海洋文化,促进国家间和睦共处的时代旋律。  探秘,即探寻丝路奥秘,探索异国神秘;这一主题适合崇尚探险、追求个性化旅游的旅游者,且与皇家加勒比、丽星邮轮等豪华邮轮公
2014年12月23日,中国—东盟中心组织出席中心使团第四届联合理事会会议的代表赴江苏省太仓市考察。联合理事会共同主席中国驻东盟大使杨秀萍和缅甸常驻东盟代表敏伦、中国—东盟中心秘书长马明强及东盟各国和东盟秘书处代表20余人参加。  太仓市市委常委、太仓港经济技术开发区副主任邱震德、太仓市副市长陆燕会见代表团一行,介绍了太仓作为长江经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路汇合点的独特区位优势,欢迎东盟国家与太仓
柬埔寨农业资源丰富,土地肥沃,水资源和热量均较为充足,农、牧、渔业发展潜力较大,农产品加工业前景广阔。  柬埔寨全国农业人口约占总人口的71%,占劳动总人口78%。可耕地面积670万公顷,其中可灌溉面积37. 4万公顷,占18%。主要农产品有稻谷、玉米、薯类、花生、豆类,湄公河流域和洞里萨湖沿岸为著名产米区,马德望省素有“粮仓”之称。主要经济作物有橡胶、胡椒、棉花、烟草、糖棕、甘蔗、咖啡、椰子。 
On 23 December 2014, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) organized a visit to Taicang City of Jiangsu Province for the delegates who attended the 4th ACC Joint Council Meeting at the ACC Secretariat in Beijing.
印度尼西亚北苏门答腊省锡纳朋火山近日再度开始喷发,喷出的火山灰升腾到4000米的高空。现年50岁的德国摄影师Martin Rietze抓拍到了火山喷发与雷电相交融的惊人的照片
In the evening of 28 December 2014, ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) held the "New Year’s Gala for ASEAN Students" at Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) which was participated by more than 300 ASE
随着中国—东盟区域经济一体化步伐的不断加快,区域内的贸易与投资合作对简化和协调贸易程序,加快要素跨境流通等提出了更高的要求,即提高贸易投资的便利化。2005年起,中国与东盟先后签署了双边货物贸易协议、服务贸易协议和投资协议,2010年中国—东盟自贸区宣布正式成立。自贸区的建成带来的关税减免、服务贸易市场门槛的降低都为提高中国—东盟贸易与投资的便利化提供了正能量,双方的贸易合作也成绩斐然。  从20
VENUE: Fuzhou Strait International Conference & Exhibition Center, Fujian  DATE: May 8-11, 2015  E-Mail: [email protected]  Tel: +86-10-8718 2997  The show aims to display the top quality of