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从黄南州整体来看,基层党建工作取得了明显成效:村“两委”班子建设得到加强,党员干部综合素质进一步提高,村级事务民主管理迈开步伐,村级组织活动场所及公共设施建设得到加强。但受黄南自然环境及人文历史、宗教等社会环境的影响,农牧区基层党建工作仍然存在不少问题,主要在于党员、党组织和社会环境三个方面。为了进一步巩固基层党组织建设的成果,提高党建水平,须从扩大基层党组织覆盖面,建设高素质基层党组织带头人队伍,推进党内基层民主建设,做好民族团结工作,加强新经济社会组织和流动党员的管理,建立健全教育、管理、服务党员长效机制,推进基层组织工作创新,建立健全妥善解决部分党员信教和参与宗教活动的管理制度等方面努力。 From the overall perspective of Huangnan Prefecture, the work of grass-roots party building has achieved remarkable results: the building of village committees and committees has been strengthened; the overall quality of party members and cadres has been further enhanced; the democratic management of village affairs has taken steps; the activities of village-level organizations and public facilities Construction has been strengthened. However, due to the influence of the Huangnan natural environment, human history, religion and other social environments, there are still many problems in the grassroots party building in rural and pastoral areas, mainly due to the three aspects of party members, party organizations and the social environment. In order to further consolidate the achievements of grass-roots party organizations and raise the level of party building, we must make greater efforts to broaden the coverage of grass-roots party organizations, build high-quality grass-roots party leaders, promote grass-roots democracy in the party, and work well for ethnic unity. And the management of mobile party members, establish and improve the mechanism of long-serving party members in education, management and service, promote the innovation of grass-roots organization work, and establish and improve the management system of properly addressing part-party members’ religious beliefs and participation in religious activities.