
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plateau_t
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在尊师爱生活动中,泗阳县城厢乡杨集村的干部知道教师杨翠兰住房困难,多方设法,为杨老师安排了一间近二十平方米的宿舍。同时,还为杨集小学买了一台十六英吋的电视机。朱码村党支部决定,为学校增设了娱乐室。还为朱码小学打了一眼水井,为在校就餐的教师划了莱地。梁姚村在尊师爱生活动中,切实解决了学校基地不足这个“老大难”问题.过去,这个村的小学基地不足,征地问题一直未得到解决,学校教室门前被群众栽上了树,校方同地方群众经常发生争吵。这次,该村党 In respecting the activities of loving one's life, the cadres in Yang Jiacun, Chengxiang Township, Siyang County, knew that housing difficulties were caused by teacher Yang Cuilan and tried many ways to arrange a nearly 20-square-meter dormitory for Teacher Yang. At the same time, it also bought a sixteen-inch TV set for Primary School Yang. Zhu yue village party branch decided to add recreation room for the school. Zhu yi primary school also glanced at the wells for dining in the school teachers designated Lade. In the past, there was not enough primary school in this village and the problem of land requisition has not been solved. The tree in front of the school classroom was planted by the masses The school often quarrels with local people. This time, the village party
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本文阐述了应用电教媒体增加课堂教学的生机与活力,为小学语文教学开辟新途径的教学实践。 This article expounds the teaching practice of using audio-visual media to
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