The system was developed by Hawkesdale Power Engineering Co., Ltd., UK, and installed in the well test cage of Silversdale Coal Mine. It was appraised in March 1980. The system consists of sensing the original, electronic components and control of the display and other three components. The sensing element is used to determine the lift speed and distance of the cage and provide data on the wellbore. The sensing element consists of an optical axis encoder, two reference switches and a personal / coal switch. Optical axis encoder driven by electronic components, due to its structure is fully enclosed. So do not have to repair. The light source of the optical axis encoder is an infrared light-emitting diode. The element can output 1000 pulses per revolution between outputs. The reference switch is a magnetic sensor that operates by sensing the magnetization point on the hoisting ropes. The movement of the reference switch is controlled by the respective cage