High-order sum-of-squares structured tensors: theory and applications

来源 :中国数学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:martingale
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Tensor decomposition is an important research area with numerous applications in data mining and computational neuroscience.An important class of tensor decomposition is sum-of-squares (SOS) tensor decomposition.SOS tensor decomposition has a close connection with SOS polynomials,and SOS polynomials are very important in polynomial theory and polynomial optimization.In this paper,we give a detailed survey on recent advances of high-order SOS tensors and their applications.It first shows that several classes of symmetric structured tensors available in the literature have SOS decomposition in the even order symmetric case.Then,the SOS-rank for tensors with SOS decomposition and the SOS-width for SOS tensor cones are established.Further,a sharper explicit upper bound of the SOS-rank for tensors with bounded exponent is provided,and the exact SOS-width for the cone consists of all such tensors with SOS decomposition is identified.Some potential research directions in the future are also listed in this paper.
目的 通过分析武汉地区维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)患者的矿物质-骨异常(mineral and bone disorder,MBD)现状,进一步提高相关指标的达标率.方法 以武汉市
摘 要:经过对于电气自动化的分层式控制体系特征讨论,还有控制体系工作施工进程当中极易发生的质量状况进行剖析,将电气自动化的分层式控制体系项目施工中应当需于材料装置的设计质量、质量、安防施工工艺以及施工工作人员素质等多个方面相关的措施方法提出来。  关键词:电气自动化;分层式控制;特征;施工质量控制  中图分类号:TM76 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-7344(2018)35-0042-02