The Application of Decorative Patterns in Modern Food Packaging Design

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  Abstract: The art of decorative patterns is widely used and inherited since the ancient times and presents its different value in people’s daily life both at home and every corner of the world. As an era develops rapidly, people’s demand on food has not only confined to the purpose of filling the belly, but paid much attention to the aesthetic perception on the packing, as well as the art of decorative patterns. Food packaging design has become an extremely important part in food market.
  Key words: decorative patterns; food packaging; aesthetic perception
  一、Analysis on Decorative Patterns and Modern Food Packaging Design
  The History and Characteristics of Decorative Patterns
  The traditional Chinese adornment art has a long history, and in the long history of several thousand years,it constantly develops and changes. Decorative patterns,at the same time, continually creates different pattern designs representing different period and different life style. In many foreign countries, the adornment design also has a long history, such as the adornment design appearing in the ancient Egyptian mural thousands of years ago which is of high appreciation value.
  The Characteristics of Modern Food Packaging Design
  In considering consumers’ aesthetic standard, the modern food packaging, at the same time, is constantly in pursuit of the convenience, utility, safety, quality, and the concept of health care--it is the most important characteristic of modern food packaging design. What’s more, food packaging, with its unique position, blends in aesthetics, psychology, food science and other factors in the design, so as to maximize its attraction to the audience and expand market effectively.
  二、The Expression and Value of Decorative Patterns in Modern Food Packaging Design
  Because of the different contents and different functions of food, the packaged means are also various. Packaging is not only a kind of artistic creation, but also a competitive method to expand food sales. Food packaging is classified in many ways and from the point of the applications of decorative patterns in different packing materials, it can be roughly divided into the following several kinds: paper food packaging; Metal food packaging; wooden food packaging and special material food packaging, etc.
  The Applications of Decorative Patterns in Food Packaging
  As living standard rises, people’s requirements for food packaging are now not only to meet the needs of food recognition and function, but also to assess the food packaging design with the perspective of beauty, attaching more attention to the decorative patterns of the design. Expressed in different ways, the adornment design achieves the matching effect of light, color and form, creating ideal and astonishing food packaging design works, and making it be regarded more as a unique work of art.   The Applications of Decorative Patterns in Paper Food Packaging
  In the modern food market, paper food packaging is the most common. This kind of packing is simple, but its adornment design is complex and applies bright colors. Since the material can reflect the characteristics of printing, paper food packaging can choose decorative patterns with complicated models and diversified design approaches. This kind of adornment design has the character of meticulous description, changeable models and rich administrative levels which is difficult to achieve in adornment design of metal or glass packaging. (Figure 1)
  The Applications of Decorative Patterns in Metal Food Packaging
  Metal material and paper material is qualitatively different, its material characteristics determine that the print of adornment design should be generally after its model design, so the adornment design should not be too complex-- suitable for decorative patterns that is more concise, such as the Kingmar brand butter packing box(Figure 2). This is because its material limits the adornment design of metal packaging not to be as complex as paper packaging. Metal food packaging design can''t ignore the function of food discernment. After all, metal packaging shell is thick and strict that the consumers could not identify food through touch and taste.
  The Applications of Decorative Patterns in Wooden Food Packaging
  In the wooden food packaging, the forms of decoration design are commonly burning, smoking and carving. As the characteristics of wooden material determine the particularity of its decorative patterns, it generally can''t use colorful adornment design, and more is to engrave by the material itself, such as the Carbernet Dry Red Wine box (Figure 3). The adornment design of it is depicted in the wooden material itself, not only making great use of the material characteristics, but also forming a unique form of expression.
  The Applications of Decorative Patterns in Special Material Food Packaging
  The special materials, such as glass, ceramics and clay sculpture vessels, in food packaging market are rare. Due to the limit of the material, the adornment design is also relatively special, generally applying the techniques such as embossing and painting. Take the packing of Royal Salute 21 in Scotland whisky for example(Figure 4). This kind of decorative pattern appears in food packaging appearance with special forms, beautifying and enriching the packaging, meanwhile providing the whole product the value of arts and crafts.   三、The Development trends of Decorative Patterns in Food Packaging
  Compared with the traditional food packaging design, modern food packaging design pattern has had quite a bit of improvement and innovation. As people’s living standard increases, food packaging design is also gradually moving towards diversity. Along with the development of time, the adornment design is everywhere in our daily life. But in modern food packaging design, as to the intensive processing of patterns, the introduction of advanced equipment such as computer has reached an effect which manual work cannot reach before. The patterns of intelligent design are of higher accuracy and technological content, and save a lot of time; achieving great leap in the design efficiency, making adornment design emerged in food packaging with more perfect forms.
  Adornment design will have a huge impact on modern packaging design art and the development of economy. Today, when we go into a shop, we can see a wide variety of product packaging patterns bright and exquisite, and adornment design, in many different ways of expression, is better reflected and applied in modern food packaging design, forming the unique packaging art works which adds people artistic aesthetic feeling and cultural connotation so as to enhance the value of the products. Along with the upgrading of food packaging, new decoration design will also arise at the historic moment.
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