患者女性,34岁。体检发现右肾占位。查体:双侧脊肋角平坦、双肾区无叩压痛,未触及包块,双输尿管走行区无压痛,耻骨上膀胱不充盈,未触及包块。B超示右肾下极实质性占位,大小1·7 cm×1·8 cm。CT示右肾下极占位,肾癌可能性大。MRI示右肾下极新生物,错构瘤可能性大。行右肾占位切
Patient female, 34 years old. Physical examination found that the right kidney occupies. Examination: bilateral ridge rib angle flat, double-kidney area without knock pressure, did not touch the mass, ureteral walking area without tenderness, suprapubic bladder is not filled, not touched the mass. B ultrasound shows the right subrenal pole substantial placeholder, the size of 1.7 cm × 1.8 cm. CT showed the right kidney under the pole, kidney cancer is likely. MRI showed the right subrenal newborn, hamartoma possibility. Row right kidney placeholder cut