8月2日上午,伊拉克前总统萨达姆的两个儿子乌代和库赛以及库赛的14岁儿子穆斯塔法的尸体被埋葬在萨达姆的家乡提克里特。 3人的尸体当天上午运抵提克里特后,在萨达姆出生地阿乌贾村的墓地中,萨达姆家族的一些成员在伊红新月会官员陪同下认领了尸体,随后按照伊斯兰教的习俗将尸体安葬。葬礼是秘密举行的,有100多人出席。萨达姆子孙3人被美军击毙的第二天,尸体被运至巴格达机场美军基地,并一直被保存在那里。8月2日早晨,驻伊美军将尸体交给了伊拉克红新月会。
On the morning of August 2, the bodies of Mustafa, the two sons of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and Uzbekistan, as well as the 14-year-old son of Qusay, were buried in Tikrit, the hometown of Saddam. After the bodies of three were delivered to Tikrit in the morning of the same day, some members of the Saddam family, accompanied by officials of the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, claimed the bodies of the graves in the village of Awya, the birthplace of Saddam, Islamic custom burial the body. The funeral was held in secret, with over 100 people attending. The day after three of Saddam’s descendants were killed by U.S. troops, the body was transported to the U.S. base in Baghdad Airport and kept there. On the morning of August 2, the U.S. military in Iraq handed over the corpse to the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.