从旅客列车上擒获的两名毒贩身上找到线索,南宁铁路警方经过缜密侦察、循迹追踪,千里转战云南、贵州、广西、广东四省区,揪出幕后毒枭,打掉了一个集运贩、加工、销售于一体的特大跨国贩毒集团。乘警火眼金睛“老板”列车落网 2005年3月13日中午,由昆明开往厦门的K232次列车行驶在黎湛线铁路上,明媚的春光透过车窗投射到车厢里,一名穿西装、老板模样的男子正在兴致勃勃地与其他旅客高谈阔论,他的举动引起了巡查乘警的注意。盘查中,该男子自称姓安,是广州某汽车配件公司老板,他还热情地递上自己的名片,盛情邀请乘警到广州找他“喝茶”。乘警不为所动,在将男子身份证递回时双手有意一松,身份证滑落在地板上。男子捡身份证时笨拙的弯腰动作露出了马脚。经搜查,乘警在“安老板”的裆部搜出用避孕套包装的毒品海洛因66节,净重453.6克。在搜查过程中,乘警通过注意观察周围旅客的反应,又抓获了“安老板”的同伙“小方”。列车很快到达茂名火车站。
Tracing the two drug traffickers captured on the passenger train, the Nanning Railway Police, after careful scouting and tracking, fought thousands of miles to Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Guangdong provinces and autonomous regions and uncovered behind-the-scenes drug lords, Processing, marketing in one of the major transnational drug trafficking syndicate. Police riding on the eyes of the “boss” train arrested March 13, 2005 at noon, Kunming, bound for Xiamen K232 train traveling in the Li-Zhan line railway, the bright spring projected through the window to the car, a suit, the boss The man looks like being enthusiastically talked to other travelers, his move caused the attention of police marshals. During the investigation, the man claimed to be surnamed Ann, a auto parts company owner in Guangzhou. He also enthusiastically handed his name card and cordially invited him to look for him to “drink tea” in Guangzhou. Marshals unmoved in the hands of the ID card handed back intends to relax, ID card slipped on the floor. Men pick up identity cards clumsy bending waist out of action. After searching, police officers found 66 knots of heroin packed in condoms in the crotch of “Ann’s boss”, weighing 453.6 grams. In the search process, the police by observing the reaction of the surrounding tourists, but also captured the “boss” associates “small square.” The train quickly arrives Maoming train station.