近年新编广西通志及全州县志 ,一反旧志又不作辨白 ,即判定广西最早设县为秦代零陵 ,未免过于草率。考订某些辞书图籍虽涉有秦县零陵之说 ,而证据很不足。证诸建国后的考古资料 :楚国鄂君启节、马王堆汉初长沙国地图、秦汉现存封坭玺印、兴安古秦城的试掘、全州古城址的调查 ,均未发现有秦县零陵的印迹
In recent years, the new Guangxi Tongzhi and Quanzhou counties, a contrary old will not make an analysis, that is, the earliest decision to set the county of Guangxi as the Lingling Qin Dynasty, too sloppy. Examination of certain dictionaries Although there are related Qinling Lingling said, and the evidence is insufficient. Archeology documents after the founding of the People’s Republic of China: the Eunuch of the Chu Kingdom, the map of the Kingdom of Changsha in the early Han Dynasty of Mawangdui, the seal seals of the Qin and Han dynasties, the excavation of the ancient city of Xing’an and the investigation of the ancient city site in Quanzhou. None of the Qin Lingling imprinting