Thyroid liposarcoma is very rare and it is a case in this hospital. The report is as follows. Female patient, 40 years old, farmer. There was no pain in the neck for more than one year and gradually increased. Local examination revealed that there was a 4×3cm tumor on the neck, which was soft and up and down. Radiographs showed that the trachea was oppressed by the tumor and moved slightly to the right. B-ultrasound prompted thyroid adenoma. The tumor was removed on July 20, 1989. Pathological examination; tumor 9 × 9 × 4cm, lobulated, incomplete capsule, cut gray and delicate, pale yellow areas. Microscopically, the tumor tissues consisted of fat cells with different degrees of differentiation. Most of the tumor cells are round, a few are star-shaped or fat-skinned spindles, and the cytoplasm contains fat vacuoles. Nuclear sizes, irregular shapes, visible mitoses, and occasional megakaryoma cells. disease