抽提真核细胞DNA方法已有多种。本文介绍Bowtell于1987年建立的盐酸胍快速抽提法(Anal Biochem 1987;162:463)。其特点是全部抽提过程可在5~6小时内完成,使用试剂较蛋白酶K便宜。现将我们试用及略加改进的方法介绍于下。
There are many ways to extract eukaryotic DNA. This article describes the rapid extraction of guanidine hydrochloride by Bowtell in 1987 (Anal Biochem 1987; 162: 463). It is characterized by the extraction process can be completed within 5 to 6 hours, the use of reagents cheaper than proteinase K. Now we try and slightly improve the method introduced below.