尿道括约肌复合体尾侧的回缩及后正中纤维脊的断裂会缩短括约肌的解剖和功能长度,作者认为这是造成耻骨后前列腺癌根治切除术(RRP)后早期尿失禁的主要原因。因此,在解剖学研究的基础上,作者改良了Walsh RRP术来重建横纹括约肌(RS)的解剖和功能,避免尿道括约肌复合体尾侧的回缩?
The caudal retraction of the urethral sphincter complex and the cleft of the posterior median ridges shorten the anatomic and functional length of the sphincter, which the authors believe is the primary cause of early urinary incontinence after radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP). Therefore, based on anatomic studies, the authors modified the Walsh RRP technique to reconstruct the anatomy and function of the striated sphincter (RS) and avoid the caudal retraction of the urethral sphincter complex.