几十年来,尽管用手术治疗胃癌,但其效果和预后仍然令人失望。随着化疗药物5—Fu的出现,改善胃肠道癌的结果也已被观察到。在这方面梅奥医学院的 Moertel 有如下评论:“这个药物对于胃肠道癌的化疗起了一种辅助的催化剂作用。但是单独的5—Fu 几乎不能归入有效治疗之例。即使在最有经验的人手里,能证明5—Fu 有效的也不会超过病人的20%,而且这种效果也不过是仅能维持几周的缩小肿
For decades, despite the surgical treatment of gastric cancer, its efficacy and prognosis have remained disappointing. With the advent of the chemotherapy drug 5-Fu, the results of improving gastrointestinal cancer have also been observed. In this regard, Mayer Medical School’s Moertel has the following comment: “This drug has played an auxiliary catalyst role in the chemotherapy of gastrointestinal cancer. However, 5-Fu alone can hardly be classified as an effective treatment. Even at the most Inexperienced people can prove that 5-Fu is not more than 20% of the patient’s effectiveness, and this effect is only a shrinking swollen for only a few weeks.