要想做好全国性的项目招商,光凭卖点新颖恐怕远远不够,真正做到实用才是成功推广的关键。这不,周维俊的“一次性马桶坐垫”刚刚全国招商,就收到四五百个来自全国各地的垂询电话, 50元一套的样品,百余位意向客户毫不犹豫的决定邮购,短短一个多月就成功地发展了重庆、成都、西安、合肥等四处区域代理。
In order to do a good job in the nationwide project investment promotion, I am afraid it is far from enough to sell new products. It is the key to successful promotion of practical application. This does not, Zhou Weijun’s “one-time toilet seat cushion,” just the national investment, received four to five hundred from all over the country inquiries, a sample of 50 yuan, more than a hundred intended customers do not hesitate to decide mail order, short More than a month to the successful development of Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi’an, Hefei and other four regional agents.