中小学的音乐课程是一门艺术教育课程。音乐教师在教学过程中,除了遵循普通教育和一般艺术教育的规律外,还应遵循音乐教育的自身规律。 音乐是情感艺术,离开了情感就如同没有了灵魂。中小学生处于人生的养成阶段,作为美育的音乐教育,对他们品质的形成、情感的培养、人格的完善、审美能力的提高,有着不可替代的作用。音乐最可贵的是有情,音乐课之所以与德
The music curriculum in primary and secondary schools is an art education curriculum. In addition to following the laws of general education and general art education, music teachers should also follow the laws of music education. Music is emotional art, and leaving emotions is like having no soul. Primary and secondary school students are at the stage of fostering life. As the music education of aesthetic education, it has an irreplaceable role in the formation of their qualities, the cultivation of their emotions, the improvement of their personality, and the improvement of their aesthetic ability. The most valuable music is sentimentalism.