朱利安·赫胥黎(Julian Huxley,1887—1975)是卓越的英国生物学家和作家。他写过大量有关科学、旅行、宗教、政治、博物等方面的作品,出版过一本诗集。其祖父是著名的生物学家汤·亨·赫胥黎。他的弟弟奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley,1894—1963)是著名的小说家、评论家,长期旅居美国。晚年身患癌症,仍然坚持写作。这篇悼念弟弟奥尔德斯的短文,表达了作家的哀思,手足之情溢于言表,也告诉世人这位著名小说家奥尔德斯是怎样去世的。本文是作者朱利安·赫胥黎自传《回忆》(Memories,1973)一书的一章。
Julian Huxley (1887-1975) is a distinguished British biologist and writer. He has written numerous works on science, travel, religion, politics, museums, and has published a collection of poems. His grandfather is the famous biologist Tom Heng Huxley. His brother Aldous Huxley (Aldous Huxley, 1894-1963) is a famous novelist and critic who has long lived in the United States. Later years suffering from cancer, still insist on writing. This tribute to his brother Aldous’s essay expresses the grief of the writer, his feeling of brotherhood exasperated and tells the world how Aldrich, the famous novelist, died. This article is a chapter by author Julian Huxley’s memoir (1973).