描述一种用非相干光制作二维彩虹模压全息图母版的新技术。该技术用紫外灯作为记录光源, 记录系统中不用任何光学元件, 记录过程不需防振条件。色彩编码是从记录了狭缝像的“彩虹版”上进行条纹复制而获得。彩虹版可以无数次重复使用, 所以全息图母版的记录十分简单。该技术投资少、效率高, 制出的全息图质量好, 对大批量模压全息图制造有很高的实用价值。
Describe a new method of making a two-dimensional rainbow-molded hologram master with incoherent light. The technology uses UV light as the recording light source, the recording system without any optical components, the recording process without vibration conditions. Color coding is obtained by streak copying on a rainbow version where a slit image is recorded. The Rainbow Edition can be reused countless times, so hologram mastering is straightforward. The technology has the advantages of less investment, high efficiency, good hologram quality and high practical value for manufacturing large quantities of molded holograms.