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背景:位于辽宁省西北部的阜新市,寓意“物阜民丰,焕然一新”。大自然给予了阜新丰厚的馈赠——煤炭。阜新产煤历史可追溯到1774年。她因煤而立,因电而兴,是我国重要的能源生产基地,拥有亚洲最大的露天煤矿——海州露天煤矿。斗转星移。如今,阜新人赖以生存的煤炭资源频临枯竭,曾引以为荣的“百年矿山百里城”正经历着一场阵痛——“九五”期间,阜新市GDP年均增长速度排在辽宁省的末位;2001年“三矿”破产,四万多名职工下岗,工业生产举步维艰……如何调整阜新的经济结构,使其摆脱对煤炭的过度依赖,让经济“列车”驶入崭新的轨道?痛定思痛之后,阜新市委、市政府确定了全市经济发展总体思路:把经济转型作为贯穿各项工作的主线,把创造就业机会作为经济转型的出发点,重点发展现代农业,建立适应市场变化的新型产业结构。“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”。新时代的阜新人秉承老阜新人自力更生、艰苦创业的优良传统,在转型的道路上迈出了坚实的步伐。下岗矿工们正与阜新一道,开始一段艰难的二次创业历程。 Background: Located in Fuxin City in the northwest of Liaoning Province, it implies “refreshing and refreshing things.” Fuxin gave a generous gift of nature - coal. Fuxin coal history dates back to 1774. She stands for coal and relies on electricity to make electricity. She is an important energy production base in China and owns Haizhou open-pit coal mine, the largest open-pit coal mine in Asia. Fighting star. Today, Fuxin people rely on the survival of coal resources are drying up, has been proud of “Hundred Mile Barry City” is experiencing a painful - “Ninth Five-Year” period, Fuxin City, the average annual growth rate of GDP came in The last of Liaoning Province; the bankruptcy of “Three Mines” in 2001, the lay-off of more than 40,000 workers and the difficulty of industrial production ... How to adjust Fuxin’s economic structure so as to get rid of its excessive dependence on coal so that economic “trains” can enter a brand new Painful setbacks, Fuxin municipal government identified the city’s overall economic development thinking: the economic transformation as the main line throughout the work, to create employment opportunities as the starting point for economic restructuring, focusing on the development of modern agriculture, the establishment of the market to adapt to changes New industrial structure. “Xiong Guan Man Road really iron, and now the more step from scratch.” In the new era, Fuxin people uphold the fine tradition of self-reliance and arduous pioneering by Lafu people and took a solid step on the road to transformation. Laid-off miners are working together with Fuxin, began a difficult second pioneering course.
在以往的思想意识中,我总认为帮助他人,就等于让别人得到好处。我还认为,别人得到我的帮助,沉浸在高兴状态时,也 In the past ideology, I always think to help others, is
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