Talk about the reconfiguration of the design field

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  1.With the development of modern society,new environments and new developments,earth-shaking changes have also taken place in the field of design.
  The main job of a designer is not only to create and practice art,but to find a suitable place for design in the new development environment,and to reconfigure the involved fields. This job is for the designer.
  In society,actual designers are not a profession with a single function. They are not simply designing posters,packaging design,and logo design. They need to develop better design ideas and creative methods through their own understanding of design.
  Design better works,and push the development of design to a climax.
  What is the function of design?
  What is the design for?
  Information Integration in the Reconfiguration of the Design Domain
  2.In the reconfiguration of the design field,there are three main points for the integration of information:clarity,originality,and humor.
  Clarity is the most basic quality in the process of information integration. If the content of the information is important,but the form is difficult to understand,the quality of the information cannot be considered good. One of the essentials of the designer’s work is to calm down the information
  3. The sustainable development of reconfiguration in the design field
  Sustainable design is a relatively hot topic in today's society. It conforms to the needs of the development of the times and has attracted more and more people's attention. This is also closely related to the future development of mankind.
  This may be a good interpretation of the reconfiguration of the involved fields.
  On the one hand,sustainable design re-innovated and reconfigured design methods and forms. On the other hand,it redefined the purpose of design,mainly protecting the earth's environment and resources,advocating green design,and returning to nature.
  4.Green,circular design
  Green design is a field of sustainable development design,also known as "eco design". This design trend appeared in the 1980s. At that time,people began to pay attention to the impact of design on the environment. The greatest value of design was not for
  Creating more commercial value is not a competition of packaging and style,but an element in the process of appropriate social change.
  In the long history of design,industrial design has created great convenience for human life,and people’s lifestyle and level have been greatly improved. However,the development of everything has its two-sidedness,and the consumption of resources is harmful to the earth.   The ecological balance of China has caused great damage,especially the over-commercialization of industrial design,making design an important medium for encouraging people's uncontrolled consumption. "Planned commodity abolition" is an extreme manifestation of this phenomenon.
  The main core of green design is not only to reduce the consumption of materials and energy,and to reduce the emission of harmful substances,but also to enable products and parts to be easily sorted and recycled and recycled or reused.
  In terms of resource allocation,we should always adhere to the concept of green design and inject new vitality into the design.
  5.Application of "Five Senses" in Reconfiguration in Design Field
  We often say that people have the "five senses",that is,the five basic senses of sight,hearing,touch,smell,and taste. The classification comes from the corresponding organs of the person,eyes,ears,skin,nose,and tongue.
  "With the rapid development of digitization and network media today,it is a major trend in design development to incorporate the five senses of human beings in the design. This is also another way to reconfigure the design field,designing a variety of designs that are related to human feelings. These organs and external things are interpenetrating and interconnecting each other. In this process,human is not only a sensory receiver,but also a sensitive memory regeneration device,which can reproduce various images in the mind based on memory.
  With this kind of interaction,the purpose of design is achieved. It is a new form of design in the field of design by integrating the five senses of people into the design. In a coursework on packaging that I did,
  I use the interaction of the five senses to create. What I do is about the wine packaging of Wuliangye Group. To express,design and produce H5 animations,consumers can scan the code on their mobile phones to view information and culture about wine,as well as animation and music playback. The tactile sensation is mainly expressed on the outside of the packaging,through some production processes,such as bronzing Craftsmanship to highlight the touch of the text. The sense of smell and taste is mainly for consumers to taste the wine,so you can realize the experience of smell and taste through some trial equipment.
  The application of the five senses in design has become more and more extensive. This is a major integration point for design and consumption. It combines traditional and modern design methods and takes human experience as the main purpose of design,thereby promoting the reconfiguration of the design field
  development of.
  The innovation is to cater to modern social development,such as the application of the five senses in packaging design.
  There is also the integration of design information. Since the 21st century,information technology has developed rapidly. When designers are creating,the process of information integration is very important. The information field in the design is reconfigured to improve the design.effectiveness.
  Keywords:nationality,globality,art design
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