你也许在描写“北大荒”的电影里看到过“大酱缸”这一奇特景观。然而,它对于众多的人们来说,不能不称之为一大奥秘。那么“大酱缸”是怎么一回事呢? 在黑龙江、松花江和乌苏里江三江汇流的三江平原,有许多沼泽性河流和积水较深的沼泽,在表层生长着繁密的水草,盘根错节,形成了数十厘米厚的“浮毯”。人走上去,忽悠忽悠的,确有翩翩起舞之感。而在那又松软又有弹性的“浮毯”下面,却隐藏着数十厘米到数米深的烂泥或水和泥混层。那儿的水和泥因含大量铁质而显酱色,“大酱缸”便是由此得名。
You may have seen the peculiar landscape of “miso” in the movie “The Great Northern Wilderness.” However, it can not be called a big mystery to many people. So what is the “big sauce tank”? In the Sanjiang Plain, where the three rivers of Heilongjiang, Songhua River and Wusuli River converge, there are many marsh rivers and swamps with deep water. The plants grow dense water plants on the surface, The formation of tens of centimeters thick “floating blanket.” People go up, flicker Fudge, there is indeed a sense of dancing. And beneath that soft, elastic “rug” there was a few dozen or so meters of mud or water and mud mixed with it. The water and mud there was so much colored because of the iron content that the “miso soup” was named.