随着我国电子政务的不断推进和电子档案管理与国际接轨,我国电子档案管理理念的研究主题日益丰富。目前,欧美一些信息技术比较发达的国家大多采用前端控制(Front Control)和全过程管理(Total Process Management)的理念指导本国电子档案的管理,而我国在档案管理实践中则更多地奉行电子档案与纸质档案的整合管理理念,这与西方国家电子档案
With the continuous promotion of e-government in our country and the management of electronic records in line with the international standards, the research themes of e-archives management in our country are increasingly rich. At present, most countries in Europe and the United States have more advanced information technologies that use the concepts of Front Control and Total Process Management to guide the management of their electronic archives. However, in the practice of archives management in our country, more electronic records Integrated management of paper files with the concept of management, which with Western electronic files