有唐一代 ,从封建帝王、皇室贵戚到达官贵人、平民百姓 ,好尚歌舞 ,歌舞渗透到了社会生活的各个领域 ,尚舞蔚为一代风气。唐代尚舞风气固然与当时开放的社会风气和兼容并蓄的文化政策密切相关 ,若是追根溯源 ,唐代尚舞风气乃承魏晋南北朝时期好尚歌舞的流风余韵 ,与当时社会尚武之风不无关系 ,也与李唐王朝统治者强调乐舞的教化作用是分不开的。
A generation of Tang Dynasty, from the feudal emperors, the royal family Qi reached the dignitaries, civilians, singing is still good dance, singing and dancing infiltrated into all areas of social life, still dance for the generation of the trend. While the style of the dance of the Tang Dynasty was closely related to the social atmosphere and the inclusive cultural policy at that time, if the tracing back to the source, the style of the dance in the Tang Dynasty was the embodiment of the good songs and dances of the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties, The rulers of the Tang dynasty emphasized that the enlightenment of music and dance can not be separated.