对微细通道中甲烷/氧气(空气)预混火焰传播现象进行了实验研究。确定了火焰能够在细管中稳定传播的当量比极限,以及在不同甲烷百分比下火焰的传播速度。结果表明:在室温条件下,甲烷和氧气预混火焰可以在细管中稳定地停留在一点燃烧,并且可以很好地控制其移动;相反,对于甲烷和空气的预混气体,即便环境温度在1 100K以上,也不能在微细通道中得到稳定的火焰。在同一甲烷流量下存在着两个当量比极限。在这两个当量比之间,火焰可以进入细管传播。在较小气体流量下,当氧气过量时微细通道中甲烷和氧气预混火焰的传播速度与宏观尺度下火焰的传播速度基本相当,随着流量的增加火焰传播速度很明显地增加。
Experiments were conducted on the propagation of methane / oxygen (air) premixed flame in the fine channel. The equivalence ratio limit for the steady propagation of a flame in a thin tube is determined, along with the rate of flame propagation at different percentages of methane. The results show that at room temperature, the methane and oxygen premixed flame can stably stay in the thin tube and burn well, and its movement can be well controlled. On the contrary, for methane and air premixed gas, even at ambient temperature between 1 100K or more, can not get a stable flame in the fine channel. There are two equivalent ratio limits at the same methane flow rate. Between these two equivalence ratios, the flame can propagate into the tubule. At low gas flow rates, the propagation velocity of methane and oxygen in the microchannels is almost the same as the propagation velocity of the flame at the macroscopic scale when oxygen is in excess. As the flow rate increases, the flame propagation velocity increases obviously.