我有史以来购买的第一件艺术品是一位已故DJ的小画像。有一天我走在纽约街头,看到一个人正在出售遇害嘻哈艺术家的肖像画。这些中小尺寸的画作被随意摆放在人行道上,色彩简单而明亮。一张“向詹姆·马斯特·杰伊致敬”(Tribute to Jam-Master Jay)的画引起了我的兴趣,这几个词被用厚重的金色写在画的左下角,我据此估计这应该是作品的标题。就在几个月前,先锋说唱乐队RUN-DMC的DJ杰伊不幸在皇后区的录音棚里被人开枪打死。这幅画里的他再一次骄傲地站立起来,穿着他典型的黑色T恤,戴着软毡帽,脖子上围着他标志性的金链条,粗得像条蟒蛇。我花了30美元把它买下。
The first artwork I have ever purchased is a small portrait of a late DJ. One day I walked the streets of New York to see a portrait of a man who is selling a hip-hop artist killed. These small and medium size paintings are placed on the sidewalk, the color is simple and bright. A piece of “Tribute to Jam-Master Jay” draws my interest in the painting, the words are written in heavy golden in the lower left corner of the painting, I It is estimated that this should be the title of the work. Just a few months ago, Jay Jay, Pioneer Rap’s RUN-DMC, was shot dead in a recording studio in Queens. Once again, he stood proudly in his picture, wearing his classic black T-shirt and a soft felt hat with his trademark gold chain around his neck, roughly like a python. I bought it for $ 30.