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马克思政治哲学日益成为学界研究的热点,这不仅因为马克思哲学的政治意蕴、马克思政治经济学的批判性反思、马克思共产主义理论的哲学建构使马克思政治哲学成为可能,还因为不乏学者意识到政治哲学是理解马克思思想的重要维度,并自觉地将其纳入政治哲学史的归纳与政治哲学的阐发。如果说国外研究概况表现为归纳与阐发,那么国内研究趋势则表现为重审与建构,虽然较国外研究稍晚,但问题切入与纵深呈现出中国学者对马克思政治哲学及其当代意义的深入理解。梳理国内外马克思政治哲学研究的历史图景,在此基础上构建马克思政治哲学的研究框架,生发其与时俱进的时代精神,对建构当代中国政治哲学并推动以人为本的和谐社会的构建具有重要意义。 Marx’s political philosophy has increasingly become the focus of academic research, not only because of the political implication of Marxist philosophy, critical reflection of Marx’s political economy, Marxist philosophy of Marxist theory of construction makes Marxist political philosophy possible, but also because many scholars aware of political philosophy Is an important dimension to understand Marx’s thought and consciously incorporates it into the generalization of the history of political philosophy and the elucidation of political philosophy. If the general situation of foreign research shows induction and elucidation, then the trend of domestic research is reexamination and construction. Although it is later than foreign studies, the study of Chinese scholars presents a deep understanding of Marx’s political philosophy and its contemporary significance. It is of great significance to construct historical framework of Marxist political philosophy research both at home and abroad and construct the research frame of Marx’s political philosophy on the basis of which the spirit of the times is advancing with the times and the construction of contemporary Chinese political philosophy and promoting the people-oriented harmonious society .
长期素食营养不良 许多人都认为吃素可以长寿,于是长期不沾一点儿荤腥。有资料显示,有关专家对645名终生食素者体检发现,有45.6%的人患有慢性疾病,其中34.3%的慢性疾病与长期营养不良有关。也就是说,长期吃素会造成营养素的缺乏,最主要是优质蛋白质的缺乏。人类所需要的蛋白质有两种,一种是完全蛋白质,又称优质蛋白质,包括必需氨基酸在内的所有氨基酸,动物性蛋白质如奶类、精肉、禽蛋和鱼虾内的蛋白质均属此