In the Chongxin area, Ordos Basin, multi-purpose core data are used to study source rock. It is difficult to characterize the actual distribution of organic carbon in underground source rocks with few coring wells and limited test samples. Based on the well logging data and combining with the core analysis and laboratory data, the source rock in the study area is studied, and the ΔCrR technique is used to quantitatively calculate the organic carbon content. Compared with the traditional method, the improved ΔLogR technology improves the correlation by 23% and the application effect in the study area is better. The study found that the quality of source rocks in the Chongxin area is good, and the organic carbon content mostly concentrates between 5% and 15%, which is a good source rock. In the eastern part of the basin, near the center of the basin, the organic carbon content is high, most of which is higher than 5%. In the northwest, it is seriously denuded, which is the area where the source rock is the least developed.