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第一条根据《种畜禽管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),结合本省实际,制定本办法。第二条本办法所称种畜禽,是指作种子用的家养畜禽(包括猪、牛、羊、马、驴、驼、兔、鸡、鸭、鹅、犬、猫、鹿、鸵鸟、鸽、鹌鹑、火鸡、蜂、狐、貂、貉等)及其卵、精液、胚胎等遗传材料。第三条凡在本省行政区域内从事畜禽品种资源保护、选育和种畜禽生产、经营的单位和个人,必须遵守本办法。农户(包括农场职工)自繁自用种畜禽的除外。第四条县级以上畜牧行政主管部门主管本行政区域内的种畜禽管理工作。第五条县级以上畜牧行政主管部门应当定期组织全省畜牧业种质资源调查,建立畜禽品种资源档案。省级畜禽品种资源保护名录由省畜牧行政主管部门制定并公布。第六条省畜牧行政主管部门应当有计划地建立畜禽品种资源保护区(场)、基因库和测定站,对有利用价值的濒危品种采取特别保护措施。第七条建立地方种畜禽场,应当符合省畜禽良种繁育体系规划。 Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on the Management of Species for Livestock and Poultry (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) in light of the actual conditions in the province. Article 2 The term “livestock and poultry” as mentioned in the present Measures refers to domestic livestock and poultry (including pigs, cattle, sheep, horses, donkeys, camels, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, cats, deer, ostriches, Pigeons, quails, turkeys, bees, foxes, minks, jackals, etc.) and their eggs, semen, embryos and other genetic material. Article 3 All units and individuals engaged in the protection and breeding of livestock and poultry breeds and the production and operation of breeding livestock and poultry in the administrative regions of the province shall abide by these Measures. Farmers (including farm workers) except for breeding livestock and poultry. Article 4 The livestock husbandry administrative department at or above the county level shall be responsible for the management of breeding livestock and poultry in its own administrative area. Article 5 The department of livestock husbandry administration at or above the county level shall regularly organize the investigation of the province’s livestock husbandry germplasm resources and establish the file of livestock and poultry species resources. The provincial directory of provincial species protection of livestock and poultry resources shall be formulated and promulgated by the provincial department of livestock husbandry administration. Article 6 The administrative department of livestock husbandry of the province shall establish a protected area (field), gene pool and measurement station of livestock breeds resources in a planned way, and take special protection measures for the endangered breeds with utilization value. Article 7 The establishment of local livestock and poultry farms shall conform to the planning of the provincial livestock and poultry breeding and breeding system.
5月12日,利城建筑公司经理在县劳动仲裁办公室制作的“劳动争议调解书”上签字后,握着仲裁员的手,不无尴尬地说: On May 12, after the manager of the Leecheng Constructi
农民种田本已辛苦,而假种子更使得农民苦不堪言,引起广大农民的深恶痛绝。 当前在我国农村,农民科学种田的意识越来越强。为了获得高产出,在选择 Farmers are already hard-
公司简介公司是中国纺织品商业协会劳保专业委员会会员单位。云南省特种、普通防护用品生产、经营备案单位。1999年成立以来,坚持信誉第一、质量第一、服务第 Company Profi
一声沉重的鸣响,唤醒了大地上熟睡中的人儿看,那原本纯净无瑕的天空,此时却被一群不速之客侵占。鲸鱼们摇摆着庞大的身躯,发出低沉的鸣 A heavy squeak sounded and awakene