现代教育理论认为 ,学习科学的中心环节是探究。科学教学必须让学生参与以探究为目的的研究活动 ,使他们同老师和同学一起互相启发、互相促进。在美国BSCS生物学教材中 ,“有氧呼吸”单元课题的教学目标是 :能够自制热量测定仪装置 ;安全地独立完成“食物热价”测定的实验操作
Modern education theory believes that the central part of learning science is to explore. Science teaching must involve students in inquiry-based research activities that will inspire and promote each other with teachers and classmates. In the United States BSCS biology textbooks, “aerobic respiration” unit teaching objectives are: to be able to make their own thermal analyzer device; safely and independently complete the “food price” test operation