在一个微雨濛濛的秋日里,我读了王安忆的小说《长恨歌》,心情也像沾了微雨一样,迷迷茫茫,怅然若失。王安忆不紧不慢,亦疾亦舒的叙述,像拉家常又像诉衷肠,颇具感染力,许多清晰而又斑驳的意象纷至沓来,许多单纯而又繁复的情绪涌上心头,我惊异于《长恨歌》这个丰富独特的审美体验世界,惊异于王安忆的才情、心性和慧心。 王安忆并未经营许多离奇的故事,但她的确又叙说了一个大上海的传奇。大上海的
In a rainy autumn day, I read the novels of Wang Anyi, “Everlasting Regret,” feeling like a light rain, confused, lost consciousness. Wang Anyi’s unobtrusive and ill-fated narration, such as pulling at home and appealing to the intestines, is contagious and many clear and mottled images are pouring in. Many simple and complicated emotions come to my heart and I am amazed at the “Everlasting Regret” This rich and unique aesthetic experience of the world, surprised at Wang Anyi’s talent, heart and wisdom. Wang Anyi did not run many bizarre stories, but she did recount a legend of Shanghai. Big Shanghai