探索三角形全等的条件(第一课时) 课例(四)

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1 教学目标1.1 知识与技能目标(1)经历平移、旋转、轴反射等探索过程,体会利用观察、操作、归纳获得数学知识的方法;(2)能熟练应用边角边定理进行推理和解决实际问题.1.2 过程与方法目标在探索边角边定理及其运用的过程中,能进行有条理的思考,并进行简单的推理.1.3 情感、态度与价值观目标(1)通过操作、探索、讨论和交流,培养学生自主学习、合作学习的习惯和勇于探索的科学精神;(2)养成严谨、认真的科学态度和学风;(3)体验用所学知识解决实际问题的乐趣.2 教学重点与难点重点:熟练应用边角边定理说明两个三角形全等 1 Teaching Objectives 1.1 Knowledge and Skills Objectives (1) Experiencing the exploration process of translation, rotation and axis reflection, and realizing the methods of using mathematics knowledge of observation, operation and induction; (2) Problem 1.2 Objectives of the Process and Method In exploring the edge-edge theorem and its application process, we can make structured thinking and make simple reasoning.1.3 Emotions, Attitudes and Values ​​Objectives (1) Through the operation, exploration, discussion and Exchange and cultivate students’ self-learning and cooperative learning habits and courage to explore the spirit of science; (2) to develop rigorous and serious scientific attitude and style of study; (3) to experience the fun of solving practical problems with the learned knowledge.2 Teaching emphasis and Difficult Points: Skilled use of edge theorems illustrate two triangles congruent