Double-theodolite measurement systemusedinthei mage calibration of space photographic instrument

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoevivi
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The purpose of characterizing the image of space photographic instrument is to gain the space included angles from three coordinate axes in the three-dimensional coordinate of the image and the directionality of the three axes of coordinate in the frame of axes of the instrument. The two reference frames will keep in the same direction finally by adjusting according to space angles. This problem was solved by a new high-precision measurement system composed of a double-theodolite and a set of communication system. In the survey system, two TDA5005 total stations from Leica Company will be selected as the double-theodolite and the interdependence of both coordinate systems can be achieved by moving the stations only at one time. Therefore, this measurement system provides a highly efficient and high-precision surveying method to the image calibration of the space photographic instrument. According to the experiment, its measuring accuracy can reach arc-second level. The purpose of characterizing the image of space photographic instrument is to gain the space included angles from three coordinate axes in the three-dimensional coordinate of the image and the directionality of the three axes of coordinate in the frame of axes of the instrument. The two reference frames will keep in the same direction finally by adjusting according to space angles. This problem was solved by a new high-precision measurement system composed of a double-theodolite and a set of communication systems. In the survey system, two TDA5005 total stations from Leica Company will be selected as the double-theodolite and the interdependence of both coordinate systems can be achieved by moving the stations only at one time. Thus, this measurement system provides a highly efficient and high-precision surveying method to the image calibration of the space photographic instrument. According to the experiment, its measuring accuracy can reach arc-second level.
为了搪塞父母,硕士毕业后他谎称留校任教。没想到这个随口说出的谎言一步步发酵,在骗得美满婚姻的同时,也让他陷入了为圆一个谎言不得不制造更大谎言的怪圈。他把考上博士当成应对谎言的最大法宝。随着几次考博失败,身心俱疲的他又遇到了让他最恐惧的事情……  谎言发酵骗来甜美爱情  李进出生于北京市昌平区一户普通农家。因为家境贫寒,他从小就学习刻苦,梦想将来有一天能成为公家人。2004年9月,他如愿考上了大学。
一、前言综合布线系统(GCS,Generic Cabling System)是以一种传输线路满足各种通信业务终端(电话机、传真机、计算机、会议电视等)的要求,再加上多媒体终端集话音、数据、图