3月24日,外经贸部国际贸易研究所举办国际金融形势座谈会,分析美元汇率未来一段时间的走势和美元暴跌对我国对外贸易可能产生的影响。 专家们认为,今年3月以来,美元汇率一路下跌,目前已跌至1美元兑88日元和1.4德国马克的新低点。这种比价将持续一段时间,未来可能会小幅度地反弹,但不可能恢复到这次暴跌前的水平。美国政府对美元贬值持观望态度,未采取制止美元下跌
On March 24, the International Trade Research Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation held a symposium on the international financial situation to analyze the future trend of the US dollar exchange rate and the possible impact of the plunge of the US dollar on China’s foreign trade. Experts believe that since March of this year, the dollar’s exchange rate has fallen all the way, and it has now fallen to the new low of one dollar against 88 yen and 1.4 deutsche mark. This kind of parity will continue for some time and may rebound slightly in the future, but it will not be possible to return to the level before this plunge. U.S. government holds a wait-and-see attitude towards the devaluation of the U.S.