西门子CF62是西门子在马德里发布的另一款手机。该机采用了内置天线双屏折叠式设计,整体造型给人似曾相识之感,尤其在机顶上个性十足的挂带吊环让人想到索爱不久前推出的时尚机型Z208。 尽管在外形设计上CF62有娇揉造作的跟风之嫌,但在“内涵”上却要丰富很多。虽然屏幕菜单也是Z208的那种9宫格式样,不过其130×130像素65536色CSTN屏幕却能带给用户更好的视觉享受。其次,CF62在支持MHS彩信的同时,还添加了对Java下载的支持(遗憾的是版本仅为HIDP1.0)。此外,该机还支持外接摄像头,使得用户可以拍摄图片并添加到彩信中与亲朋好友分享。其他主要功能方面,CF62由于定
Siemens CF62 is another mobile phone released by Siemens in Madrid. The aircraft uses a built-in dual-screen folded antenna design, the overall shape gives a sense of deja vu, especially in the top of the machine personalized hanging rings reminiscent of Sony Ericsson recently introduced the Z208 stylish models. Although the appearance of design CF62 Jiao Rou made follow suit, but in the “content” but to a lot of rich. Although the screen menu is also the kind of 9-house Z208 format, but its 130 × 130 pixel 65536 color CSTN screen can give users a better visual experience. Second, the CF62 supports MHS MMS while adding support for Java downloads (unfortunately the version is only HIDP1.0). In addition, it also supports external camera, allowing users to take pictures and add to the MMS to share with friends and family. Other major features, CF62 due to set