走进文本 感悟生活——浅谈小学语文阅读生活化教学策略

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阅读教学要与学生的生活联系起来,让学生体会到,学习是把别人的文字化为自己的生活体验,也是要借自我体验把生活化为文字,从而主动积极地投身阅读中。只有当学生走进文本,与自己的生活相联系,与作者产生情感共鸣,文本语言、情感才能化作丰富的营养滋润学生的生命成长。一、铺设桥梁,唤醒生活经历每个学生的成长环境、文化背景都不相同,对同一处景、同一件事、同一个人,会有不同的认知,因此在阅读教学过程中要唤醒学生各自的生活经验,把文本内容和自己的认知经 Reading teaching should be linked with the life of the students so as to make the students realize that learning is to convert other people’s writing into their own life experiences and also to turn life into words through self-experience so as to take the initiative to actively engage in reading. Only when students go into the text, with their own lives, and emotional resonance with the author, the text language, emotions can be turned into rich nutrition to nourish students’ life. First, lay a bridge to awaken life experience Each student’s growth environment, cultural backgrounds are not the same, the same scene, the same thing, the same person will have different perceptions, so reading teaching process to awaken students The life experience, the text content and your own cognitive experience