温州的打火机是温州人的骄傲,它把温州人“小商品,大市场”的理念演绎到了一种极至。一个小小的打火机,一年的产值达几十亿,占世界打火机市场份额的绝对优势。可从去年10月份开始,温州的打火机厂商就笑不起来了,欧盟将要推出CR法案,这个法案将可能使温州的打火机业一蹶不振,温州的打火机命运如何。 一个法案可能会毁掉一个行业,让10多万人丢掉饭婉,这并不是危言耸听,温州的打火机生产企业如今就被欧盟的CR法案弄得焦头烂额。2002年4月中下旬,欧盟标准化委员会将正式表决关于加装安全锁的CR法案,业内人士说:这意味着温州的打火机业在称雄世界十多年以后,到了生死存亡的关键时刻。
Wenzhou’s lighter is the pride of Wenzhou people. It interprets the Wenzhou people’s concept of “small commodities, big market” to an extreme. A small lighter, with a production value of several billions a year, occupies the absolute advantage of the world’s lighter market share. From the beginning of October last year, Wenzhou’s lighter manufacturers can not laugh, the EU will launch the CR Act, this bill will likely make Wenzhou’s lighter industry a doldrums, Wenzhou how the fate of the lighter. A bill may destroy an industry and cause more than 100,000 people to lose rice cookers. This is not alarmist. Lighter manufacturers in Wenzhou are now getting burnt by the EU’s CR bill. In mid-to-late April 2002, the European Union’s Standardization Committee will formally vote on the CR Act on the installation of security locks. Industry insiders said: This means that Wenzhou’s lighter industry has been at the critical moment of survival after more than a decade of dominating the world.