任恩杰 总经理
北京恒立伟业国际展览有限公司Ren Enjie General Manager, Beijing Heliview Int’l Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Currently we organize several outbound Chinese exhibitions: a Home&Garden show and an auto parts expo in Poland; and a motorbike expo in Myanmar, which is gaining great ground.
On the whole, the Belt and Road countries and regions are huge in terms of business opportunities. The local exhibition market is immature and lack professional exhibitions, so our Chinese exhibitions can fill the gap of the industry.
On the other hand, to organize exhibitions in the Belt and Road region, the main difficulty is that the local exhibition environment is not mature. The insufficient hardware facilities, obstacles in communication, lack of professional skills and experience of partner are among the problems. In addition, in most of the Belt and Road markets, local population and the per capita purchasing power is not large, the market volume is small, the scope of radiation on the surrounding exhibition market is also very limited, most of the exhibition are only for the local market. Still, the huge market space to be explored is there. Considering current successes, we are planing organizing more exhibitions along the region.
张雅竹 副总经理
通用国际广告展览公司Zhang Yazhu Deputy Genera Manager, Genertec International Advertising and Exhibition Co., Ltd
在未来,我们将从两个方面继续开拓“一带一路”会展市场:一是继续深耕原有的汽车与摩托车配件行业,开拓该领域的自办展业务;二是挖掘“一带一路”市场其他行业的参展和组展机会。最重要的是一直保持敏锐的创新意识,不断发掘企业新的需求点,寻找可靠且有实力的国内外合作伙伴,并应用我方的办展经验,积累各方资源,形成合力,满足中国参展企业的诉求,为企业打造出国参展的国家平台,相信会不断扩大“一带一路”的会展市场份额和行业类别。 Each year, we organize 4 Chinese exhibitions abroad: two auto parts shows in Thailand and Pakistan respectively, an agriculture show in Serbia, and an oil equipment show in Iran.
I think the Belt and Road exhibition markets can be described as embracing Unlimited Potential. The scale of the Chinese exhibition space has been increasing rapidly, sometimes even at several times each year! In the meantime, local facilities and exhibition service quality need to be improved accordingly.
In the future, we plan to further enter local markets: one, cultivate more exhibitions in the auto parts sector which we are good at; second, seek exhibition opportunities in other industry sectors and cooperate with reliable domestic and local partners to create quality exhibition platforms for Chinese exhibitors.
段婧 總经理
北京辉煌魅力国际商务会展有限公司Nina Duan General Manager, Beijing Glory Glamour International Commerce & Exhibition Co., Ltd
At present, our company holds an oil exhibition and a steel exhibition in Iran, and the "Made in China brand commodities exhibition" in Qatar, displaying the excellent products and enterprises of "made in China 2025". Recently, we gave a very detailed presentation of the Qatar exhibition and achieved very good results. Our exhibition has also been supported by the top brass of the local government.
Qatar has won the hosting right of 2019 World Championships and the 2022 World Cup. The local government has decided to invest$285 billion in infrastructure construction and other fields, and the Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China have set local office to provide financing and other services for the Chinese enterprises to enter the local market. The law, logistics industry is also actively help China exhibitors open up the local market.
On the other hand, although the local market demand is huge, but the number of local Chinese are still very small, domestic enterprises’ understanding of local market is also very inadequate. We hope to use the exhibition as a platform to promote Chinese enterprises to "go global" and to expand the influence and reputation of the exhibition in the region.
I think that for self-organized outbound Chinese exhibition to "go out", we are not simply holding exhibitions, but in the process of organizing sustainable and high-quality exhibitions, we need to present the domestic exhibition talent, excellent exhibition concepts and management modes into the international exhibition market. From the operational level, facing with abundant opportunities in the Belt and Road exhibition mark we plan to first concentrate on building a high quality model, and then copy the success experience to other industries. At the same time, according to the intention of enterprises to open up the market and local market demand, we will adopt the "comprehensive ex h ibit ion + professiona l exhibition" mode to improve the radiation level and B2B effect of the exhibitions.
北京恒立伟业国际展览有限公司Ren Enjie General Manager, Beijing Heliview Int’l Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Currently we organize several outbound Chinese exhibitions: a Home&Garden show and an auto parts expo in Poland; and a motorbike expo in Myanmar, which is gaining great ground.
On the whole, the Belt and Road countries and regions are huge in terms of business opportunities. The local exhibition market is immature and lack professional exhibitions, so our Chinese exhibitions can fill the gap of the industry.
On the other hand, to organize exhibitions in the Belt and Road region, the main difficulty is that the local exhibition environment is not mature. The insufficient hardware facilities, obstacles in communication, lack of professional skills and experience of partner are among the problems. In addition, in most of the Belt and Road markets, local population and the per capita purchasing power is not large, the market volume is small, the scope of radiation on the surrounding exhibition market is also very limited, most of the exhibition are only for the local market. Still, the huge market space to be explored is there. Considering current successes, we are planing organizing more exhibitions along the region.
张雅竹 副总经理
通用国际广告展览公司Zhang Yazhu Deputy Genera Manager, Genertec International Advertising and Exhibition Co., Ltd
在未来,我们将从两个方面继续开拓“一带一路”会展市场:一是继续深耕原有的汽车与摩托车配件行业,开拓该领域的自办展业务;二是挖掘“一带一路”市场其他行业的参展和组展机会。最重要的是一直保持敏锐的创新意识,不断发掘企业新的需求点,寻找可靠且有实力的国内外合作伙伴,并应用我方的办展经验,积累各方资源,形成合力,满足中国参展企业的诉求,为企业打造出国参展的国家平台,相信会不断扩大“一带一路”的会展市场份额和行业类别。 Each year, we organize 4 Chinese exhibitions abroad: two auto parts shows in Thailand and Pakistan respectively, an agriculture show in Serbia, and an oil equipment show in Iran.
I think the Belt and Road exhibition markets can be described as embracing Unlimited Potential. The scale of the Chinese exhibition space has been increasing rapidly, sometimes even at several times each year! In the meantime, local facilities and exhibition service quality need to be improved accordingly.
In the future, we plan to further enter local markets: one, cultivate more exhibitions in the auto parts sector which we are good at; second, seek exhibition opportunities in other industry sectors and cooperate with reliable domestic and local partners to create quality exhibition platforms for Chinese exhibitors.
段婧 總经理
北京辉煌魅力国际商务会展有限公司Nina Duan General Manager, Beijing Glory Glamour International Commerce & Exhibition Co., Ltd
At present, our company holds an oil exhibition and a steel exhibition in Iran, and the "Made in China brand commodities exhibition" in Qatar, displaying the excellent products and enterprises of "made in China 2025". Recently, we gave a very detailed presentation of the Qatar exhibition and achieved very good results. Our exhibition has also been supported by the top brass of the local government.
Qatar has won the hosting right of 2019 World Championships and the 2022 World Cup. The local government has decided to invest$285 billion in infrastructure construction and other fields, and the Bank of China and Industrial & Commercial Bank of China have set local office to provide financing and other services for the Chinese enterprises to enter the local market. The law, logistics industry is also actively help China exhibitors open up the local market.
On the other hand, although the local market demand is huge, but the number of local Chinese are still very small, domestic enterprises’ understanding of local market is also very inadequate. We hope to use the exhibition as a platform to promote Chinese enterprises to "go global" and to expand the influence and reputation of the exhibition in the region.
I think that for self-organized outbound Chinese exhibition to "go out", we are not simply holding exhibitions, but in the process of organizing sustainable and high-quality exhibitions, we need to present the domestic exhibition talent, excellent exhibition concepts and management modes into the international exhibition market. From the operational level, facing with abundant opportunities in the Belt and Road exhibition mark we plan to first concentrate on building a high quality model, and then copy the success experience to other industries. At the same time, according to the intention of enterprises to open up the market and local market demand, we will adopt the "comprehensive ex h ibit ion + professiona l exhibition" mode to improve the radiation level and B2B effect of the exhibitions.