世界上有些东西,注定只是少部分人的玩物,就如戴尔Adamo 13;世界上有些东西,注定第一眼看见便会爱上,就如戴尔Adamo 13;世界上有些东西,注定神圣不可亵玩,就如戴尔Adamo 13。当Adamo 13今年4月第一次到达MI评测室时,便给我们留下了这三个印象。只可惜她的第一次停留时间太短,除了外观、性能的评测,没能继续深入了解。不过很快便迎来了她的第二次到临,我也开始了与她第二次亲密接触。
Some things in the world, destined to just a small part of people’s plaything, just as Dell Adamo 13; some things in the world, doomed to love at first glance, just as Dell Adamo 13; there are some things in the world, doomed to sacred Just like Dell Adamo 13. When the Adamo 13 arrived at the MI Test Room for the first time in April this year, it left us with all three of these impressions. Unfortunately, her first stay is too short, in addition to appearance, performance evaluation, failed to continue to understand. But soon she welcomed her second arrival, I also started her second intimate contact.