[俄]/Афанасъева АН…//КлинМед.-2006,84(11).-36~39血清白蛋白是运输血液中有害物质的主要蛋白质。其运输效能与总白蛋白浓度(TAC)和有效白蛋白浓度(EAC)有关。所谓EAC是指白蛋白分子未与有害物质结合而能运输这些有害物质的白蛋白浓度而言。急性心肌梗
[Russian] / Афанасъева АН ... // КлинМед.-2006,84 (11) .- 36 ~ 39 Serum albumin is a major protein that transports harmful substances in the bloodstream. Its transport efficiency is related to total albumin concentration (TAC) and effective albumin concentration (EAC). EAC refers to the so-called albumin molecules are not combined with harmful substances and can transport these harmful substances in terms of albumin concentration. Acute myocardial infarction