我院自1984~1988年收治的60例脑血栓形成病例,用胞二磷胆碱治疗,经长期观察结果满意,现报告如下:资料和方法:治疗组35例,男21例,女14例,年龄45~76岁。对照组25例,男17例,女8例,年龄40~79岁。诊断标准以1984年出版的《神经病诊断学》中的急性脑血管疾病的诊断标准为依据,病情分级,重度瘫痪肢体肌力0级(包括意识障碍吞咽困难,颅压增高者);中度瘫痪肌力Ⅰ~Ⅱ°,轻度瘫痪Ⅲ°以上。治疗组属轻、中、重度分别为3、14、18例,对照组分别为4、10、11例。对照组用小分子、丹参、维脑路通、烟酸,辅助维生素 B_1、潘生丁、地巴唑,治疗组在上述基础上加胞二磷胆碱0.75加入5%葡萄糖静滴,10天为一疗程。
Sixty cases of cerebral thrombosis admitted to our hospital from 1984 to 1988 were treated with citicoline and were satisfied with long-term observation. The report is as follows: Materials and Methods: The treatment group consisted of 35 patients, 21 males and 14 females , Aged 45 to 76 years old. Control group of 25 patients, 17 males and 8 females, aged 40 to 79 years. Diagnostic criteria Based on the diagnostic criteria for acute cerebrovascular disease in Neurological Diagnostics, published in 1984, the condition was graded with severe paralysis of limb muscle 0 (including disturbance of consciousness dysphagia, increased intracranial pressure); moderate paralysis Muscle strength Ⅰ ~ Ⅱ °, mild paralysis Ⅲ ° above. The treatment group was light, moderate and severe were 3,14,18 cases, the control group were 4,10,11 cases. The control group with small molecules, Salvia, Venoruton, niacin, vitamin B_1, dipyridamole, and dipyridamole, the treatment group on the basis of the addition of citicoline 0.75 intravenous infusion of 5% glucose, 10 days for a Course of treatment.