美国“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机2月1日在返回地面前16分钟时与地面控制中心失去联系,后在得克萨斯州中北部地区上空解体坠毁,机上7名宇航员全部遇难。这是“哥伦比亚”号的第28次飞行,也是美国航天飞机22年来的第113次飞行。 “哥伦比亚”号航天飞机是1月16日从佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心发射升空的。此次太空之行的主要任务是进行科学实验,这是5年来第一次纯科学的太空之旅。“哥伦比亚”号除了携带有7名宇航员外,还包括蜘蛛、蜜蜂、啮齿类动物、细菌株、鱼细胞和蚕蛹等生命物种,宇航员们要在16天的太空飞行中,完成来自美国、中国、日本、澳大利亚等国家的80项科学实验。
On the first 16 minutes before returning to the ground, the U.S. space shuttle Columbia loses contact with the ground control center on February 1, and then collapses and crashes over the central-northern region of Texas. All seven astronauts on board are killed. This is the 28th flight of “Columbia” and the 113th flight of U.S. Space Shuttle in 22 years. The space shuttle Columbia was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on January 16. The main task of this space trip is to conduct scientific experiments, this is the first pure science space trip in five years. In addition to carrying seven astronauts, Columbia also includes life species such as spiders, bees, rodents, bacterial strains, fish cells, and pupae, and astronauts are expected to complete the space flight from the United States, China , Japan, Australia and other countries 80 scientific experiments.