患者男,68岁,不明原因出现心前区不适,有时自觉有间歇,心电图提示‘房性早搏”,未作治疗。近2年以来,患者逐渐感到每天脉搏都有“停顿”,同时伴轻微心前区不适,头痛,心电图再次提示“房性早搏”,开始服抗心律失常药1年,疗效不理想,并时感阵发心悸,在1次体检中发现“室上性心动过速,”遂收入我院。血压168/90mm Hg。心率143次/分,律不齐,可闻早搏,未闻杂音,肝脾未触及,双下肢无浮肿。入院当时,立即给予维拉
Male, 68 years old, with precordial precarious unexplained discomfort and sometimes consciously intermittent electrocardiogram prompted ’atrial premature beats’ and no treatment For nearly two years, patients have gradually felt a daily pulse of “pause” accompanied by mild Precordial discomfort, headache, ECG once again prompted “atrial premature beats”, began to take anti-arrhythmic drugs for 1 year, the effect is not satisfactory, and the feeling of intermittent palpitations, in a physical examination found "supraventricular tachycardia, Blood pressure 168 / 90mm Hg. Heart rate 143 beats / min, irregularities, can be heard premature beats, no unheard noise, liver and spleen not touched, no swelling of both lower extremities. At the hospital admission, immediately give Vera