随着我国经济体制和政治体制改革的深入发展 ,以及卫生法制建设的不断加强 ,一个以保障人民生命和健康权利的卫生法律法规体系已基本形成 ,卫生执法也越来越成为卫生行政部门的基本方式。但由于长期以来计划经济体制的影响 ,卫生行政执法工作还不能适应卫生法制建设的需要 ,执?
With the deepening of China’s economic and political reforms and the continuous strengthening of the health and legal system, a system of laws and regulations on health that safeguard the rights of people’s lives and health has taken shape and health law enforcement is increasingly becoming the basic component of the health administrative department the way. However, due to the long-term impact of the planned economic system, the health administrative law enforcement work still can not meet the needs of health and legal system construction.