很多爱花的人都想在自家阳台上栽几盆百合花,却不清楚百合如何繁殖、繁殖时如何提高成活率。下面我谈谈繁殖百合(亚洲百合、东方百合)的实践经验,供朋友们参考。土壤、种球的选择和处理1、土壤的选择:百合喜欢土质肥沃、腐殖质丰富、排水性良好、pH 值6~7的砂质
Many people who love flowers want to plant pots of lilies on their own balconies, but it is unclear how lily breeding, breeding how to improve survival. Now I talk about breeding lily (Asian lily, Oriental lily) practical experience for my friends. Soil, seed ball selection and treatment 1, the choice of soil: lily like fertile soil, humus rich, good drainage, pH 6 ~ 7 of the sandy